lørdag 26. september 2009

Backstage at Paul Smith

I worked for Marian Newman and her team at this show

I don't remember many of the names/faces, but I remember Katlin Aas. She really made my day when I polished her toes. After a day with creeping at the floor, sitting under tables, "sneaking" around to polish fingers while the hairdressers did the models etc... etc... I came to Katlin. She remembered me (I did her nails for some of the other shows) and said to the makeup-artist: "She is really good in polishing creeping at the floor!" And we had a laugh, but for me, it was nice to know that somebody appreciated what I did. Of course I know that nobodies recognize what you do, that's the norm, everybody is too busy, and it's fine, maybe that's why it was so good to hear what Katlin said! :-D With that said, I really liked Katlin the first time I met her too. So natural, so nice and very down to earth.

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