tirsdag 7. juli 2009

No work today either...

Well, my tummy was better in the afternoon yesterday, but this morning it all started again. It's been very, very bad today and I had to cancel my clients. And yes, I have canceled the clients tomorrow too. I think this must have been the worst tummy-bug I have ever had and I can't wait to get well.

After all there are some positive things now. 1. I am not traveling alone. 2. I am not on a plain. 3. I am in my own house, my own bed and have my own toilet (THANK GOD FOR THAT!). 4. It's good for loosing weight! :-D

Luckily my schedule wasn't fully packed this week, so it will not be a problem to rebook my clients. After all I can work Saturday and Sunday if required.

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