tirsdag 23. juni 2009

About pricing and choosing a marked

There are some fields in my industry I really burn for, and that is INCREASING the PRICES.

Our industry is one of the most increasing industry in the beauty-business. Why aren't our prices increasing as well?

I have travelled, and spoken to nail-techs from, all over the world. They all tell me they can't charge more than 30-70 USD for a full set of nails. I have heard competition champions charging as little as 40 USD! They all blame the clients, who don't understand they have to pay to get their nails done. Well, whose fault is it that the clients think like this? WHO is setting the prices and standard in our industry? The clients?

For me it seams like there is very little diversity in our marked and it looks like the little diversities that are here, has nothing to do with skills, as it normally is. It amazes me that competition champions don't dare to diverse themself from the other nail-techs.

In my opinion the pricing has a lot to do with daring to choose a marked and stay true to it. You can compare it with the clothing marked. You have H&M, Zara, Top-Shop etc.. in one end, and you have Gucci, Prada, Chanel etc... on the other end. You will never find any top at H&M for over 150 USD, and if you found one, I am sure nobody would have bought it. People expect to get cheap clothing there. On the other hand, would you find a top for over 150 USD at Cucci? Do you think they would get rid of it?

If people have money to pay a Gucci-top at 150-300 USD, why do you think they don't have money to get their nails done for more than 70 USD? It's all about what they expect to pay!

There is a marked for discount-salons, but trust me, there is also a marked for the more expensive salons, you just have to choose and stay true to it.

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