lørdag 16. mai 2009

I need to get into a positive track!

OK, after some housework, dinner, coffee and a chocolate I have found I need to get into a positive track. I will tell why I LOVE competing!

First of all, it makes me a better nailtech. After I began competing, 1 year ago, I am sure my clients have seen improvements in my work. At least I can see it very clear. Although doing competition-nails is very far away from the nails done in the salon, both have a lot to do with controlling the product, working smart and being meticulous. I always practice when working at my clients!

Going into the competition-arena has made me a stronger person. Before I entered my first competition I was sure my nerves would ruin everything. I am a very "nerve-wracking" person, always think the worst etc... I deal with my nerves on a daily basis (yeeeeh...:-)), so it surprised me that I became so very calm at once the competition started. Maybe because I am used to handle my nerves? For once my nerves may have done me something good, I think...

Sometimes it can be very lonely to be a nailtech, working alone. When competing I felt like being part of something, something I would never have gotten outside the competition-arena. Although we are competing against each-other, we are also in the same (nerve-wracking) boat and people are always very friendly. After the competition some even share hints and tips!

I have gotten lots of good friends while competing. Nailtechs I have never spoken to, or seen before, can stop me and my model and look at the nails and have a "nail-chat". And when winning, EVERYBODY congratulate and are very happy (at least that's what they show/say! :-)).

Competing internationally has taken me abroad. Until now, I have only been to UK, but in June, I am going to Orlando and Florida and all my travel-expanses can be written off in my accountings! WHEEEHEEE! The Chicago-trip will also be "payed" by my company (although my company is me, so "paying" means less taxes).

I just LOVE the "buzz", the nerves and the excitement in the competition-arena! For a strange reason I always feel very happy and light-headed during the competition. I am having fun and I always have a chat with my model. My trainer and mentor, Amy, didn't like to hear that. She told me I have to be 100% focused. Well, she listens to music at her I-pod, I chat (of course, not a deep conversation...:-)), I take it it is just different approaches to being 100% focused? :-D

I am feeling better now! :-D

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